Monday, January 28, 2013

Reflections and Resoluions (little late but here it is)

2012 was a pretty good year for me. I started my first year of high school  It's been going pretty well so far. The cross country team i was on won divisional  and went all the way to competing in the state competition  Also, I SURVIVED 12/21/12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #YOLO!!!!!!But moving on past me, the year had some great things. The 2012 Olympics came and went, with the U.S getting the most gold, and most medals over all (BOO YA GO AMERICA GUESS WE'RE NOT ALL THAT FAT)......there are of course other great things, check them out here:

I learned a lot from 2012. I learned that high school isn't like the movies, i learned that some people do sick things, whether because of a brain disorder or not. I've seen people push themselves to the point of breaking  to be the best they can be. To be the best in the world at what they do. But I've also learned that the world can come together, whether through sports (Olympics), mourning (sandy hook), or just trying to have a little bit of fun (gangnam style)!

Resolutions? no way.....
I'm entirely against new years resolutions. Why should people need an excuse like new years to start doing something new, like stay in shape, or do well in school? People should be doing that stuff all the time. Also, i barely ever see anyone who actually keeps their resolution, some people do it for 2-3 weeks tops, before they just don't care any more.

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